New Eight Sleep Tracker Promo Code, Good For One Week Only!!!

You have heard me talking about how excited I am about our new Eight Sleep mattress; well here’s a great deal for you, running through 4/18! You can get $65 off of your sleep tracker right now by using promo code TRACKSLEEP65! This is a sensor layer that fits over any mattress and instantly turns your bed into a smart bed. Review your sleep data, use the dual zone warming feature for an extra cozy bed, and connect to almost any wifi-enabled device in your house. My favorite part is the silent alarm, so that you can have only one person in the bed waking up at their super early time (not that this is an issue in our home!). This will help you get a great night’s sleep, and would be an amazing investment with or without the Eight Mattress. You can also check out my experience with the sleeping with the Eight Sleep Mattress HERE. Click the image below to get more information on the new Eight Sleep Tracker now!

Take $65 off sleep trackers with code TRACKSLEEP65


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