Filing By Date Method: Expired Coupon Inserts to Purge! (Updated 7-5-20)

I use multiple methods to organize all of my coupons. One of these is the “file cabinet method”, which involves keeping whole inserts, and filing them by date for future reference. This is SO easy, and makes sure that I keep the overwhelming pile of inserts OFF of my desk. My file cabinet tends to fill up quickly, however, so we still need to do some housekeeping. Here is a list of all of the ENTIRE inserts that you can throw away if you are filing by date in the file cabinet method:


Purge ALL: January 2019 – December 2019

January 2020

1/5/20: Keep RP (exp 10/18), Purge SS
1/12/20: Purge RMN, SS
1/19/20: Purge RMN, SS
1/26/20: Keep SS (exp 12/14), Purge RMN, PG

February 2020

2/2/20: Keep SS (exp 12/31), Purge RMN
2/9/20: Keep SS (exp 8/30), Purge RMN
2/16/20: NO INSERTS
2/23/20: Purge PG, RMN, SS

March 2020

3/1/20: Purge RMN, SS
3/8/20: Purge RMN, SS
3/15/20: Keep RMN (exp 12/31), Purge SS
3/22/20: Keep SS (exp 9/30), Purge RMN
3/29/20: Keep RMN (exp 12/31), Purge PG, SS

April 2020

4/5/20: Purge RMN, SS
4/12/20: NO INSERTS
4/19/20: Keep SS (exp 10/30), Purge RMN
4/26/20: Keep SS (exp 8/31), Purge RMN, PG

May 2020

5/3/20: Keep RMN (exp 9/30), SS (exp 9/30)
5/10/20: Keep RMN (exp 8/31), SS (exp 10/9), Purge PG
5/17/20: Purge RMN, SS
5/24/20: Purge RMN
5/31/20: Keep RMN (exp 8/31), Purge PG, SS

June 2020

6/7/20: Keep, SS (exp 11/30), Purge RMN
6/14/20: Keep RMN (exp 9/30), SS (exp 8/31)
6/21/20: Keep RMN (exp 9/30), SS (exp 9/30)
6/28/20: Keep SS (exp 12/30), RMN (exp 8/31)

July 2020

7/5/20: Keep RMN (exp 12/31), SS (exp 12/31), Purge PG
7/12/20: Keep RMN (exp 9/10), SS (exp 10/31)
7/19/20: Keep RMN (exp 9/19), SS (exp 12/31)
7/26/20: Keep SS (exp 1/19/21), RMN (exp 10/4), PG (exp 8/29)

August 2020

8/2/20: Keep RMN, SS
8/9/20: Keep RMN, SS
8/16/20: Keep RMN, SS
8/23/20: Keep SS
8/30/20: Keep SS, RMN, PG

Check out this year’s coupon insert schedule for upcoming inserts HERE.


2 thoughts on “Filing By Date Method: Expired Coupon Inserts to Purge! (Updated 7-5-20)

  1. Where do you get your coupon inserts. I used to be one of those super couponers buying $200 – $300 products for pennies. I used to be able to go to the newspaper on Sunday afternoon and take as many as I wanted…mostly 20 inserts of each every Sunday. I also used to buy them on eBay, but it is no longer profitable doing it this way as they want too much money for their inserts….especially buying 20 of each at a time.

    1. Hi Al! I have noticed that so many more companies are moving to digital; apps or their store coupons. Also, I have found that now that I have such an established stockpile I don’t need the 20 copies anymore; really 2-4 works for our family. Printables are also much bigger, and you can get 2 copies per smart device in your home with a wireless printer. I think that what changed the most for us is the mentality of it; we just don’t really need to do the massive hauls that we did “back in the day” to maintain our stockpile. Hopefully that helps 🙂

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