FREE Google Home Mini w/Spotify $9.99 Membership (New or Existing Users)!!!

Here’s an INCREDIBLE deal for you if you have been looking to get a Google Home Mini! These are similar to the Amazon Echo DOT, and will do everything from set timers to tell you the weather, play music, give you the news, and more. Right now, you can sign up for a month of Spotify for $9.99 and get the Google Home Mini for FREE! If you are an existing user then you will also still be eligible for the deal. The only restriction is if you got the deal last year, you can’t do it again this year. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Sign up for Spotify Premium for $9.99 FIRST, THROUGH THIS LINK. Existing users can follow this link as well, click Get Individual or Get Family, and then at the bottom will be able to order for no additional fee.
  2. Second, you will receive an email for your Free Google Home Mini within a few minutes. Remember you will be charged the $9.99 again if you don’t cancel within 1 month, but wait until your Google Home ships to cancel.
  3. Third, remember to join the Kouponing With Katie group and invite EVERYONE to get more AWESOME deals like this one!!

FREE Google Home Mini w/Spotify Premium Service