Here is a great way to save money on your utilities! This is a company who will pay you just for lowering your power usage during specific peak hours (which ALSO cuts your bill!). For lowering your usage, they will PAY YOU CASH, between $100-$300 a year! In addition, just for signing up, they will give you $20! Just sign up and verify your account. Ohm will send you texts/emails to let you know that there is an opportunity to get credit for reducing your usage (an “Ohm Hour”). If you end up using less energy than you normally do, they will pay you for the reduction! I have been using them for month, and I love the free money. Click the image below to sign up now!!!
Oh yes, there is a brand new AMAZING freebie offer available for you this morning!…
The Instant Pot is on a GREAT sale right now, at just $89.99 from Target!…
Do you need laundry detergent? Combine a sale price, huge promo offer, AND a Subscription…
OMG this is a thing?? Grab this massive 5 pound tub of Twizzlers, on sale…
This is a great deal on Meyer's hand soaps. This brand tends to be on…
Here's a great deal on a Waterpik brand Electric Water Flosser! These are perfect for…