HOT!!! New High Value Coupon…Trident Gum MONEY MAKER!!!

WOWZERS!!! Are you working towards your $10 Ibotta bonus, going on right now through the end of the month? Then I have an AWESOME money maker deal for you!!! Grab this hot new coupon QUICKLY to get a money maker on Trident gum at Target! People have been reporting that this has reset several times, so you should be able to do it a couple of times between now and the end of the month! Here’s your breakdown:


3 Trident Gum $0.99
25% Candy mobile coupon (text CANDY to 827438)
50% Trident Cartwheel
$1.59/3 Trident Gum
= $0 (possible overage of  $0.85), submit $1.50/3 Trident Ibotta rebate
Final = $1.50 money maker (or more!!!)!!!

In addition, if you are new to Ibotta, you will ALSO earn the $10 Ibotta New User Bonus!!!

***fyi – if you have had trouble printing these in the past, there is a new SmartSource printer that just downloads it to your computer instead of the issues we were having in the past!***