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Here are the prices that I recommend to purchase your groceries; Good is if you are out or don’t have a stockpile yet, Great is what I purchase at (or LOWER!).
Good Price/Great Price
Toothpaste $0.50/$0.00
Toothbrush $0.50/$0.00
Deodorant $1.00/$0.50
Mouthwash $1.50/$0.50
Shampoo $2.00/$1.00
Lotion $2.00/$1.00
Tampons $2.00/$0.50
Body Wash $1.25/$0.50
Bar Soap each $0.75/$0.50
Razors $2.00/$0.00
Dish Soap $1.00/$0.75
Dish Detergent $2.00/$1.00
Fabric Softener $2.00/$1.00
Tide Laundry Detergent $3.00/$2.00
Laundry Detergent $2.00/$1.00
Paper Towels (each) $2.00/$0.50
Charmin Toilet Paper (each) $1.00/$0.50
Toilet Paper (each) $0.50/$0.25
Pampers Diapers Jumbo $5.00/$4.00
Huggies Diapers Jumbo $4.00/$3.00
Luvs/Store Brand Diapers Jumbo $3.00/$2.00
Wipes $1.00/$0.75
Dog Food per lb $0.75/$0.50
Cat Food per lb $1.50/$0.75
Chicken Breasts/lb $3.00/$2.50
Whole Chicken/lb $1.50/$0.99
Bacon/lb $4.00/$3.00
Ground Beef/lb $3.00/$2.50
Pork Chops/lb $2.50/$1.50
Ground Turkey/lb $3.00/$2.00
Lunch Meat/lb $4.50/$3.50
Hot Dogs/lb $2.00/$1.00
Coffee/12oz $3.50/$2.50
Soda 12pk $4.00/$3.00
Soda 2L $1.00/$0.75
Water Case 24ct $3.00/$2.00
BBQ Sauce $1.00/$0.50
Jelly $2.00/$1.50
Peanut Butter $2.50/$2.00
Salad Dressing $1.50/$0.50
Mayonnaise 32oz $3.00/$2.00
Margarine/lb $1.00/$0.50
Butter/lb $2.50/$2.00
Soup $0.75/$0.50
Canned Tuna $1.00/$0.50
Canned Veggies $0.75/$0.50
Cereal $1.50/$0.99 (Family Size $2.50/$2.00)
Hamburger Helper $1.00/$0.75
Pasta $0.79/$0.50
Pop Tarts $1.50/$1.00
Breakfast Cereal $1.50/$0.99
Juice $1.50/$1.00
Capri Sun $2.00/$1.50
Juice Boxes 10ct $2.50/$1.50
Orange Juice $3.50/$2.00
Milk $3.50/$2.75
Chips $2.50/$1.66
Crackers $2.00/$1.00
Frozen Pizza $4.00/$3.00
Thanks Katie. I can’t recall anyone sharing actual stock up prices. This is awesome ! Then we know if we are getting a good deal. It’s been so awesome watching you grow !!
Thank you Karianne! I really appreciate it