WOW, this is a rare savings for you! Grab this Style Selections Hickory Hardwood Flooring on sale at Lowe’s right now to save 75% on your next home project! Right now this is on sale from $2.99 per square foot down to just $0.70 per square foot; an AMAZING deal! This pre-finished, 5″ wide wood flooring is scratch-resistant with a durable protective layer that will last a long time in your home, and the interlocking, floating planks fit together perfectly without needing any glue or adhesive! Grab yours here, and choose ship to store to avoid shipping costs as well!
Here's a great freebie dealio for you! Spend a total of $32 or more on…
Here's a GREAT deal for you on this SUPER yummy Javy Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate…
This is an awesome decor item for you! Grab this set of THREE Under Cabinet…
Here's a GREAT money saving tool for you! Grab this $100 Vacuum Sealer Machine to…
This is an AWESOME one. Right now you can stock up with this huge 190…
Grab this highly rated, four pack of LED Solar Sensor Security lights, only $11.99 with…